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Trudy (Rosin) Hood
Back Country Horsemen in the 2007 parade for McBride's Homecoming (75th Anniversary). Buildings from left include: Scotiabank, Stedmans V & S,…

1990's Parade- A young woman (Anna Rupar?) is pulled behind a car on a castle-themed balloon and is wearing a Miss ______ sash. Int he background is…

Terri Jensen
A photo of multiple horses in Ray Long's field.

Trudy (Rosin) Hood
A photo of log skidding with a team of horses.

Ray Long
A photo of Bert Long Standing with horses, 1924.

Linda (Taggart) McCarty
A photo of Doug Taggart with his team of horses.

Vern Pawloske
A picture of the Pawloske family and their horses working on their hay field.

Vern Pawloske
A picture of the Pawloske "team" and their horses mowing hay.

Vern Pawloske
A picture of four hitched up horses binding oats with the Pawloske neighbour's harness.

Vern Pawloskie
The family's twp logging horses and Joy Pawloskie.

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