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A horse drawn protest float in the 1930's parade with a banner that read, "WE WANT A HIGHWAY NOT A COW TRAIL".

August 1954- An old car covered in leaves and lengths of fabric lined up for the parade. Horses prepared for the float in the background.

1992 Parade- A sheep pulls the 4-H club float carrying some of the members on it. Members also walk alongside, oneof them leads another sheep. On the…

Patty McKinney on her horse in front of house on Dominion Street.

Alan MacKinnon
A photo of Alan (Ike) MacKinnon on horse.

Elizabeth Haan
A photo of Andrew Haan, newborn, going for his first horseback ride with Liz Haan (Broadley).

George T Holdway
Anne Holdway on horse drawn wagonette or Democrat at the crossing west of 50 mile (Dore River). Railway bridge in the distance. The horse is named…

Anne Pawloskie in a a long black dress and a fur trimmed winter coat stroking her horse Queen. This picture was taken on the original property…

Trudy (Rosin) Hood
Back Country Horsemen in the 2007 parade for McBride's Homecoming (75th Anniversary). Buildings from left include: Scotiabank, Stedmans V & S,…

Ray Long
A photo of Bert Long at the Calgary Stampede, 1925. Bert rode Broncos and raced Chuck Wagons.

The horse was definitely bred and raised by Bert…

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