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___ Rosin
An RCMP officer, resplendent in his red serge, and a clown participate in a parade down Main Street in 1959. In the background you can see Rexall…

___ Rosin
Young gals on their horses lined up awaiting judging at the 1942 Fall Fair.

___ Rosin
On horseback and dressed as a woman, Ernie Martin participates in the 1959 Canada Day festivities at the ball park.

Alan MacKinnon
A photo of Alan (Ike) MacKinnon on horse.

Elizabeth Haan
John and Liz Haan spent their first winter living at the mill with John's father. John had been farming in the summer and working in the sawmill and…

Elizabeth Haan
A photo of Liz Haan (Broadley) with her mares, Dandy and Lady, and a photo of John Haan on the McPhee Farm, bringing the horses back to the mill for…

Elizabeth Haan
A photo of Andrew Haan, newborn, going for his first horseback ride with Liz Haan (Broadley).

Frank E. Runnalls
Horse drawn wagon parked on Main Street. These buildings, on the west side of Main street, are the Owens and Johnson Store, and The Wyatt Bros Store.…

Frank E. Runnalls
The main street in Lucerne, further along past the business section, where a series of cabins were erected. A rather skinny horse is grazing along the…

George T Holdway
Sleigh outside McBride General Store on what is now Holdway Street. Outside Charlie Edward's old store (later Rollinson's Grocery). In the…

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