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Events and Celebrations
A group of horsemen/women riding in the parade outside of the Beanery Restaurant and CN Station.
Men gathered in front of a load of logs hitched to a team of horses. Sig Harstad can be seen sitting on a log in between two other men.
A group photo of men working at Sig Harstad's logging operation in the Loss/Snowshoe area in the 1920's. They are standing/sitting alongside a load of…
Frank E. Runnalls
Buildings and Structures
The main street in Lucerne, further along past the business section, where a series of cabins were erected. A rather skinny horse is grazing along the…
Frank E. Runnalls
Transportation and Utilities
Horse drawn wagon parked on Main Street. These buildings, on the west side of Main street, are the Owens and Johnson Store, and The Wyatt Bros Store.…
Bill Sweeney's pack train heading west along 3rd Avenue from Main Street.
Bill Sweeney riding a saddled horse, leading two pack horses loaded down gear, and bringing a few others along for the ride.
Transportation and Utilities
A horse drawn protest float in the 1930's parade with a banner that read, "WE WANT A HIGHWAY NOT A COW TRAIL".
Events and Celebrations
A photo of Bert Long's Horse team in the 1959 Canada Day Parade.
___ Rosin
Events and Celebrations
On horseback and dressed as a woman, Ernie Martin participates in the 1959 Canada Day festivities at the ball park.