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Richard E Thompson (Rick) hauling manure using a snowmobile and a hand built sled. Winter 1973/74.

Richard E Thompson (Rick) hauling hay using a snowmobile with two home built sled full of square hay bales . Winter 1973/74.

Rev. J. W, Whillans
Response back to Charlie Riddle in regards to his application to immigrate to Canada and take up farm work. Charlie Riddle was the second husband of…

The Pawloskie farm in early autumn.

The Pawloskie farm in autumn with Beaver Mountain in the background.

The Pawloskie family raised upwards of 400 laying hens, turkeys, geese, and ducks at a time. The chickens alone produced 30 dozen eggs per day which…

Anne Pawloskie on the farm tending her ducks, geese, and chickens.

Ed Pawloskie and daughter Joy on the farm with their dog Collie and some of their many chickens.

The Pawloskie farmhouse in the early 1950's prior to the living room addition in the 1970s.

A springtime photo from the 1980's of the Pawloskie.

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