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Family and Personal Life
A family photo of Laurence Reid, his wife, and their son Pat. Sadly, the same year this photo was taken, tragedy struck. On July 8th, 1937 Laurence…
School photo from 1937 at the front entrance to the Fraser School.Among the students are; Walter ___, Jock Mackinlay, Dave McNab, Leonard Waller,…
George T Holdway
Buildings and Structures
Group of CN employees in front of Station including Bill Essex, Jack Kyle, Fred Waller, Verne Leake, D. W. Hay, Charlie Yost, Bob McCauley, Ernie…
George T. Holdway
Group of CN Employees, George Holdway, Scott, Blaikie, Len Waller, Tom McDonald, J. Meshewilk, V. Leake, Davies, Fred Waller, Rod Anderson, O Johnson,…