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Trudy (Rosin) Hood
Buildings and structures
Unveiling of the Sir Richard McBride painting at the train station, August 5 2007.
Trudy (Rosin) Hood
Buildings and structures
McBride Family making speeches prior to unveiling the portrait of Sir Richard McBride. August 5, 2007.
Picture of Sir Richard McBride donated by…
Picture of Sir Richard McBride donated by…
Health and Social Services
A newspaper article featuring an image of four Candy Stripers and their new plaque for best display from the North East Candy Striper Conference. In…
Mrs. McCailey, Mabel Richardson, Bee Burke, and Annie Sansom outside in their spring dresses.
George T. Holdway
The St. Paul's United Ladies Aid posing for a photo on the front steps of the Legion Hall.
Front row L to R - Marion Mewhort and Anna Holdway.…
Front row L to R - Marion Mewhort and Anna Holdway.…
School photo from 1937 at the front entrance to the Fraser School.Among the students are; Walter ___, Jock Mackinlay, Dave McNab, Leonard Waller,…
Lloyd Sansom and Tom Dutton working the tractor and combine to process clover in the mid-forties.
Lloyd Sansom and Tom Dutton using a combine in the forties.
___ Rosin
Sports, Recreation, and Leisure
A Tug O' War challenge at the 1942 McBride Fall Fair. The CNR team pulls the rope to their side, while in front (back to camera) is Ray Samson. Joe…
Family and personal life
A photo of Keith Sansom, his bride (Ruth Bryant and her family at their wedding.
From left: Keith Sansom, Ruth Bryant, ___, John Bryant (Ruth's…
From left: Keith Sansom, Ruth Bryant, ___, John Bryant (Ruth's…