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School photo from 1937 at the front entrance to the Fraser School.Among the students are; Walter ___, Jock Mackinlay, Dave McNab, Leonard Waller,…

Child confirmation candidates outside the original St. Patrick's Church on Second Avenue across from the Elks Hall May 12th, 1935.
Back L to R -…

1990's- A farm-themed float is pulled down an unpaved Main Street in the parade. In the background is Sears, the Robson Valley Health Hut (left), and…

McKale Family
A photo of Thomas W and Agnes (Carlson), his second wife. Both standing with their dog, Mickey.

McKale Family
A photo of a unknown gentleman and Thomas McKale (on the right).

McKale Family
A photo of Thomas and Bartholomew McKale.

McKale Family
A photo of Rufus McKale, in his RCMP uniform.

McKale Family
A photo of Rufus McKale at 6 months old.

McKale Family
A photo of the McKale Family.

Back Row: Emma & Jack McKale
Front Row: Margaret, Kay, Bernice holding Eileen and Rufus.

McKale Family

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