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Trudy (Rosin) Hood
Fred Wall Driving, Eileen Wall front passenger. Mary and Steve Kolida in the back. Amy and Jim Bartlett in the background. McBride's 75th…

School photo from 1937 at the front entrance to the Fraser School.Among the students are; Walter ___, Jock Mackinlay, Dave McNab, Leonard Waller,…

Child confirmation candidates outside the original St. Patrick's Church on Second Avenue across from the Elks Hall May 12th, 1935.
Back L to R -…

Jim Swanson
The Hospital staff of April 1988. Image appeared in Robson Valley Courier April 30th, 1988.
Back Row L to R: D. Kelley, K. McFarland, M. Kolida, R.…

Kolida Family
A photo of the Kolida Family. Left to right: Steve, Agatha and Anne (Porrier).

Kolida Family
A photo of Steve Kolida with his first logging truck, 1960.

Kolida Family
A photo of Steve Kolida as Village Councillor, 1960.

Kolida Family
A group photo of the Klondike, March 1947.

Back Row: N Knowler, Mr MacDonald, Dave Shelby, A Klohn, Rudy Scheifelbein, Mr Jeck, L Hivon.


Dave Marchant
The McBride Trading Company on the north/east corner of Main and 2nd. It then became Steve's Men's Wear, before burning down.

A photo of the exterior of the McBride Trading Company prior to demolition. Owned by Steve Kolida at the time.

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