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float entry for parade. The to reads "just off highway 16" and there are considerable branches stuck to the car. Note the mud and dirt all over the…

Part of a troop of girl guides in uniform marching in a parade down Main Street (on the intersection of Main and 3rd Ave). The Rexall pharmacy can be…

A troop of Boy Scouts marching down Main Street (Main and 3rd Ave) in front of the Rexall Pharmacy (modern day Scotiabank)

Frank E. Runnalls
The Fraser School taken from the east side. The school, built in 1917, was located between Third and Fourth Avenue until it burned down in 1946. This…

Frank E. Runnalls
Fraser School in the winter of 1921. Constructed four years prior in 1917, the school's main entrance gave way to two large playrooms while the two…

School photo from 1937 at the front entrance to the Fraser School.Among the students are; Walter ___, Jock Mackinlay, Dave McNab, Leonard Waller,…

Standing of the boardwalk in front of the Hotel Cariboo on the north/west corner of Third Avenue and Main Street. Third from left is proprietress Mrs.…

A photo of the house that stood on the corner of Third Avenue and Dominion Street in 1953.

___ Rosin
House that stood on the corner of Third Avenue and Queen Street in 1952.

___ Rosin
An RCMP officer, resplendent in his red serge, and a clown participate in a parade down Main Street in 1959. In the background you can see Rexall…

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