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Ed with daughter Joy sitting on the running board of their 1930's Graham Pague car.

A family photo of Laurence Reid, his wife, and their son Pat. Sadly, the same year this photo was taken, tragedy struck. On July 8th, 1937 Laurence…

Mrs. McCailey, Mabel Richardson, Bee Burke, and Annie Sansom outside in their spring dresses.

School photo from 1937 at the front entrance to the Fraser School.Among the students are; Walter ___, Jock Mackinlay, Dave McNab, Leonard Waller,…

The Fraser School, situated between Third and Fourth Avenue, in 1930. This was the third school built in McBride with construction finishing in 1917.…

A horse drawn protest float in the 1930's parade with a banner that read, "WE WANT A HIGHWAY NOT A COW TRAIL".

A photo taken during the 1938 Elks Flag Day festivities. Cars are parked along 2nd Avenue and people are gathered in the park for the celebrations. …

A corner store, built by William A. Wall on the corner of 2nd and Main Street, in the 1930's. Further down Main St is

Fred W. Barnett
Croydon 1930's - Four fox pelts, two blue and two platinum, hung between snowshoes.

Fred Barnett feeding a litter of 12 fox cubs he raised for their pelts.

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