Sansom Fonds

Dublin Core


Sansom Fonds


Community Life


A collection of photos donated by Ray Sansom


Ray Sansom


Valley Museum and Archives
Ray Sansom





Items in the Sansom Fonds Collection

Troops in McBride, 1941
Armed troops fresh form the train lined up on the platform at the McBride Station in 1941.

Men Lined Up
A photo of a large line of newcomers on Main Street to pre-empt land at Armstrong and Ellis Real Estate Office between Third and Fourth Avenue. The wait was so long they put up a tent between the real estate office and the City Bakery for shelter to…

CNR Roundhouse
Looking east down the valley from the water tower. From this vantage point, you can see the top of the roundhouse, the turntable, and the ice house.
See Also - 1999.01.36

McBride View From Roundhouse
A photo taken from the top of the round house looking east. The Fraser Hotel is the large structure on the left with the police station and barracks centre right.

Teare Brothers Survey Crew
The Teare Brothers, surveying the area for Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, camped on the flats overlooking Dominions Creek at Mile 90 near McBride. Bill Teare is seen sitting in the center.
The photo was taken in 1911, the year prior to the first…

Reconstructing the Operator
A side view of the stern wheeler, the Operator, as it's being constructed near Tete Jaune in 1911/12. The "Operator" contained the boiler from the "Distributor" which was shipped by rail from Vancouver east to Calgary, north to Edmonton and then west…

"The Pioneer"
Laying track near Tete Jaune at Mile 53 with the track-layer "Pioneer".

"The Conveyor"
The Sternwheeler " Conveyor" stopped at a narrow part of the Fraser River near McBride. A skiff transports people and supplies to and from the shore.

Early Settlers on the Fraser
Early settlers travelling down the Fraser River with all of their belongings. The word/name "Allgeir" is written on the back of the photograph.

Navigating the Rapids
A photo of a sternwheeler navigating rapids in what may be the Grand Canyon.


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